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Pump Fundamentals Blog

Tech Tips | GIW | Oil Sands | Slurry Pumps

Which Type of Slurry Pump Is Best for My Application?

What’s in your slurry? When it comes to choosing the right slurry pump for your application, you have a few options to choose from. Learn more about s...

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Tech Tips | GIW | Oil Sands | Slurry Pumps

What Slurry Pump Maintenance Can I Perform — and When Should I Call the Experts?

Like so many other machines, slurry pumps require regular maintenance to function optimally and reliably. Without proper care, pumps can suffer catast...

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Tech Tips | Mining | GIW | Slurry Pumps

Best Method for Pump Shaft Sleeve Removal

KSB GIW, Inc. pumps are integral to mining operations and proper pump maintenance is always a top priority. The key to maintaining any complex machine...

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Tech Tips | Slurry Pumps | KSB GIW, Inc.

6 Steps to Properly Pack Your Stuffing Box for Prolonged Pump Life

Equipment retention is a critical aspect in maintaining any piece of machinery. But knowing the right steps and the right tools you need to keep your ...

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Tech Tips | GIW | Pump Basics | Slurry Pumps

Reading Slurry Pump Performance Curves Like a Pro

One of the best ways to determine a pump’s capabilities is by looking at a pump performance curve. When read properly, this graph can tell you the exa...

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GIW | Oil Sands | Slurry Pumps

Catastrophic Slurry Pump Cavitation — and How to Avoid It

Are you struggling with your centrifugal slurry pump? Maybe you’re dealing with serious pump damage, ranging from pump housing failure to impeller des...

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Tech Tips | GIW | Oil Sands | Slurry Pumps

How to Increase System Efficiencies in Multiple Pump Startup

Whether you’re moving tailings a long distance or working in a demanding mill circuit application, chances are good you’ll be relying on more than one...

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Tech Tips | GIW | Pump Basics | Slurry Pumps

How Can I Prepare My Pumps for Cold Winter Weather?

Winter is coming; are your pumps ready? Here are the steps you should take to ensure your pumps are primed for even the harshest conditions.

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Tech Tips | Mining | GIW | Slurry Pumps | KSB GIW, Inc.

Is My Pump Operating at Its Optimum Rate?

If you’re struggling with the wear life of your pump’s parts, you may not be operating optimally. Use these tips to boost your efficiency and reduce m...

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